Source code for orangewidget.workflow.drophandler

Drag/Drop handlers for handling drop events on the canvas.

This is used to create a widget node when a file is dragged onto the canvas.

To define a handler subclass a :class:`OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler` or one
of its subclasses (e.g :class:`SingleUrlDropHandler`,
:class:`SingleFileDropHandler`, ...) and register it with the target
application's entry point (the default is
'orangecanvas.document.interactions.DropHandler') in the project's meta data,

    entry_points = {
        "orange.canvas.drophandler": [
            "The widget = fully.qualified.module:class_name",
import abc
from typing import Type, Dict, Any, Sequence

from AnyQt.QtCore import QMimeData, QUrl

from orangecanvas.document.interactions import NodeFromMimeDataDropHandler
from orangecanvas.document.schemeedit import SchemeEditWidget
from orangecanvas.utils import qualified_name

from orangewidget.widget import OWBaseWidget

__all__ = [

[docs]class OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler(NodeFromMimeDataDropHandler, abc.ABC): """ Canvas drop handler creating a OWBaseWidget nodes. This implements a default :meth:`.qualifiedName` that is based on :attr:`.WIDGET` class attribute. """ #: Class attribute declaring which OWBaseWidget (sub)class this drop #: handler creates. Concrete subclasses **must** assign this attribute. WIDGET: Type[OWBaseWidget] = None
[docs] def qualifiedName(self) -> str: """Reimplemented.""" return qualified_name(self.WIDGET)
[docs]class SingleUrlDropHandler(OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler): """ Canvas drop handler accepting a single url drop. Subclasses must define :meth:`canDropUrl` and :meth:`parametersFromUrl` Note ---- Use :class:`SingleFileDropHandler` if you only care about local filesystem paths. """
[docs] def canDropMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Delegate to `canDropFile` method if the `data` has a single local file system path. """ urls = data.urls() if len(urls) != 1: return False return self.canDropUrl(urls[0])
[docs] def parametersFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`parametersFromUrl` method. """ return self.parametersFromUrl(data.urls()[0])
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def canDropUrl(self, url: QUrl) -> bool: """ Can the handler create a node from the `url`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parametersFromUrl(self, url: QUrl) -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Return the node parameters from `url`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class UrlsDropHandler(OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler): """ Canvas drop handler accepting url drops. Subclasses must define :meth:`canDropUrls` and :meth:`parametersFromUrls` Note ---- Use :class:`FilesDropHandler` if you only care about local filesystem paths. """
[docs] def canDropMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`canDropUrls` method. """ urls = data.urls() if not bool(urls): return False return self.canDropUrls(urls)
[docs] def parametersFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`parametersFromUrls` method. """ return self.parametersFromUrls(data.urls())
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def canDropUrls(self, urls: Sequence[QUrl]) -> bool: """ Can the handler create a node from the `urls` list. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parametersFromUrls(self, urls: Sequence[QUrl]) -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Return the node parameters from `urls`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SingleFileDropHandler(OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler): """ Canvas drop handler accepting single local file path. Subclasses must define :meth:`canDropFile` and :meth:`parametersFromFile` """
[docs] def canDropMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`canDropFile` method if the `data` has a single local file system path. """ urls = data.urls() if len(urls) != 1 or not urls[0].isLocalFile(): return False path = urls[0].toLocalFile() return self.canDropFile(path)
[docs] def parametersFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`parametersFromFile` method. """ path = data.urls()[0].toLocalFile() return self.parametersFromFile(path)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def canDropFile(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Can the handler create a node from the file `path`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parametersFromFile(self, path: str) -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Return the node parameters based on file `path`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FilesDropHandler(OWNodeFromMimeDataDropHandler): """ Canvas drop handler accepting local file paths. Subclasses must define :meth:`canDropFiles` and :meth:`parametersFromFiles` """
[docs] def canDropMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`canDropFiles` method if the `data` has only local filesystem paths. """ urls = data.urls() if not urls or not all(url.isLocalFile() for url in urls): return False paths = [url.toLocalFile() for url in urls] return self.canDropFiles(paths)
[docs] def parametersFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Reimplemented. Delegate to :meth:`parametersFromFile` method. """ urls = data.urls() paths = [url.toLocalFile() for url in urls] return self.parametersFromFiles(paths)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def canDropFiles(self, paths: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """ Can the handler create a node from the `paths`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parametersFromFiles(self, paths: Sequence[str]) -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Return the node parameters based on `paths`. Subclasses must redefine this method. """ raise NotImplementedError