Source code for orangewidget.widget

import pkgutil
import sys
import os
import types
import warnings
import textwrap
from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter
from math import log10

from typing import Optional, Union, List, cast

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QApplication, QStyle,
    QSplitter, QSplitterHandle, QPushButton, QStatusBar,
    QProgressBar, QAction, QFrame, QStyleOption, QHBoxLayout, QMenuBar, QMenu,
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QEvent, QRect, QMargins, QByteArray, QDataStream, QBuffer,
    QSettings, QUrl, QThread, QTimer, QSize, QPoint, QLine,
    pyqtSignal as Signal
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QIcon, QKeySequence, QDesktopServices, QPainter, QColor, QPen, QKeyEvent,

from orangecanvas.gui.svgiconengine import StyledSvgIconEngine

from orangewidget import settings, gui
from import Report
from orangewidget.gui import OWComponent, VerticalScrollArea
from import ClipboardFormat, ImgFormat
from orangewidget.settings import SettingsHandler
from orangewidget.utils import saveplot, getdeepattr, load_styled_icon
from orangewidget.utils.messagewidget import InOutStateWidget
from orangewidget.utils.progressbar import ProgressBarMixin
from orangewidget.utils.messages import (
    WidgetMessagesMixin, UnboundMsg, MessagesWidget
from orangewidget.utils.signals import (
    WidgetSignalsMixin, Input, Output, MultiInput,
    InputSignal, OutputSignal,
    Default, NonDefault, Single, Multiple, Dynamic, Explicit
)  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from orangewidget.utils.overlay import MessageOverlayWidget, OverlayWidget
from orangewidget.utils.buttons import SimpleButton
from orangewidget.utils import dropdown_popup_geometry

# Msg is imported and renamed, so widgets can import it from this module rather
# than the one with the mixin (orangewidget.utils.messages).
Msg = UnboundMsg

__all__ = [
    "OWBaseWidget", "Input", "Output", "MultiInput",
    "Message", "Msg", "StateInfo",

def _load_styled_icon(name):
    return load_styled_icon(__package__, "icons/" + name)

[docs] class Message: """ A user message. :param str text: Message text :param str persistent_id: A persistent message id. :param icon: Message icon :type icon: QIcon or QStyle.StandardPixmap :param str moreurl: An url to open when a user clicks a 'Learn more' button. .. seealso:: :const:`OWBaseWidget.UserAdviceMessages` """ #: QStyle.SP_MessageBox* pixmap enums repeated for easier access Question = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxQuestion Information = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation Warning = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning Critical = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical def __init__(self, text, persistent_id, icon=None, moreurl=None): assert isinstance(text, str) assert isinstance(icon, (type(None), QIcon, QStyle.StandardPixmap)) assert persistent_id is not None self.text = text self.icon = icon self.moreurl = moreurl self.persistent_id = persistent_id
def _asmappingproxy(mapping): if isinstance(mapping, types.MappingProxyType): return mapping else: return types.MappingProxyType(mapping) class WidgetMetaClass(type(QDialog)): """Meta class for widgets. If the class definition does not have a specific settings handler, the meta class provides a default one that does not handle contexts. Then it scans for any attributes of class settings.Setting: the setting is stored in the handler and the value of the attribute is replaced with the default.""" #noinspection PyMethodParameters # pylint: disable=bad-classmethod-argument def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, openclass=False, **kwargs): cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) cls.convert_signals() if isinstance(cls.keywords, str): if "," in cls.keywords: cls.keywords = [kw.strip() for kw in cls.keywords.split(",")] else: cls.keywords = cls.keywords.split() if not # not a widget return cls cls.settingsHandler = \ SettingsHandler.create(cls, template=cls.settingsHandler) return cls @classmethod # pylint: disable=bad-classmethod-argument def __prepare__(mcs, name, bases, metaclass=None, openclass=False, **kwargs): namespace = super().__prepare__(mcs, name, bases, metaclass, **kwargs) if not openclass: namespace["_final_class"] = True return namespace # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] class OWBaseWidget(QDialog, OWComponent, Report, ProgressBarMixin, WidgetMessagesMixin, WidgetSignalsMixin, metaclass=WidgetMetaClass, openclass=True): """ Base widget class in an Orange widget workflow. """ #: Widget name, as presented in the Canvas. name: str = None #: Short widget description, displayed in canvas help tooltips. description: str = "" #: Widget icon path, relative to the defining module. icon: str = "icons/Unknown.png"
[docs] class Inputs: """ Define inputs in this nested class as class variables. (type `orangewidget.widget.Input`) Example:: class Inputs: data = Input("Data", Table) Then, register input handler methods with decorators. Example:: def set_data(self, data): self.my_data = data """
[docs] class Outputs: """ Define outputs in this nested class as class variables. (type `orangewidget.widget.Output`) Example:: class Outputs: data = Output("Data", Table) Then, send results to the output with its `send` method. Example:: def commit(self): """
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget GUI Layout Settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Should the widget have basic layout? #: (if not, the rest of the GUI layout settings are ignored) want_basic_layout = True #: Should the widget construct a `controlArea`? want_control_area = True #: Should the widget construct a `mainArea`? #: (a resizable area to the right of the `controlArea`) want_main_area = True #: Should the widget construct a `message_bar`? #: (if not, make sure you show warnings/errors in some other way) want_message_bar = True #: Should the widget's window be resizeable? #: (if not, the widget will derive a fixed size constraint from its layout) resizing_enabled = True #: Should the widget remember its window position/size? save_position = True #: Orientation of the buttonsArea box; valid only if #: `want_control_area` is `True`. Possible values are Qt.Horizontal, #: Qt.Vertical and None for no buttons area buttons_area_orientation = Qt.Horizontal #: A list of advice messages to display to the user. #: (when a widget is first shown a message from this list is selected #: for display. If a user accepts (clicks 'Ok. Got it') the choice is #: recorded and the message is never shown again (closing the message #: will not mark it as seen). Messages can be displayed again by pressing #: Shift + F1) UserAdviceMessages: List[Message] = [] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Miscellaneous Options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Version of the settings representation #: (subclasses should increase this number when they make breaking #: changes to settings representation (a settings that used to store #: int now stores string) and handle migrations in migrate and #: migrate_context settings) settings_version: int = 1 #: Signal emitted before settings are packed and saved. #: (gives you a chance to sync state to Setting values) settingsAboutToBePacked = Signal() #: Settings handler, can be overridden for context handling. settingsHandler: SettingsHandler = None #: Widget keywords, used for finding it in the quick menu. keywords: Union[str, List[str]] = [] #: Widget priority, used for sorting within a category. priority: int = sys.maxsize #: Short name for widget, displayed in toolbox. #: (set this if the widget's conventional name is long) short_name: str = None #: A list of widget IDs that this widget replaces in older workflows. replaces: List[str] = None #: Widget painted by `Save graph` button graph_name: str = None graph_writers: List[ImgFormat] = [f for f in ImgFormat.formats if getattr(f, 'write_image', None) and getattr(f, "EXTENSIONS", None)] #: Explicitly set widget category, #: should it not already be part of a package. category: str = None #: Ratio between width and height for mainArea widgets, #: set to None for super().sizeHint() mainArea_width_height_ratio: Optional[float] = 1.1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom widget id, kept for backward compatibility id = None # A list of published input definitions. # (conventionally generated from Inputs nested class) inputs = [] # A list of published output definitions. # (conventionally generated from Outputs nested class) outputs = [] contextAboutToBeOpened = Signal(object) contextOpened = Signal() contextClosed = Signal() openVisualSettingsClicked = Signal() # Signals have to be class attributes and cannot be inherited, # say from a mixin. This has something to do with the way PyQt binds them progressBarValueChanged = Signal(float) messageActivated = Signal(Msg) messageDeactivated = Signal(Msg) savedWidgetGeometry = settings.Setting(None) controlAreaVisible = settings.Setting(True, schema_only=True) __report_action = None # type: Optional[QAction] __save_image_action = None # type: Optional[QAction] __reset_action = None # type: Optional[QAction] __visual_settings_action = None # type: Optional[QAction] __menuBar = None # type: QMenuBar # pylint: disable=protected-access, access-member-before-definition def __new__(cls, *args, captionTitle=None, **kwargs): self = super().__new__(cls, None, cls.get_flags()) QDialog.__init__(self, None, self.get_flags()) OWComponent.__init__(self) WidgetMessagesMixin.__init__(self) WidgetSignalsMixin.__init__(self) # disable window help button everywhere self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, False) # handle deprecated left_side_scrolling if hasattr(self, 'left_side_scrolling'): warnings.warn( "'OWBaseWidget.left_side_scrolling' is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning ) stored_settings = kwargs.get('stored_settings', None) if self.settingsHandler: self.settingsHandler.initialize(self, stored_settings) self.signalManager = kwargs.get('signal_manager', None) self.__env = _asmappingproxy(kwargs.get("env", {})) self.graphButton = None self.report_button = None captionTitle = if captionTitle is None else captionTitle # must be set without invoking setCaption self.captionTitle = captionTitle self.setWindowTitle(captionTitle) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) # flag indicating if the widget's position was already restored self.__was_restored = False # flag indicating the widget is still expecting the first show event. self.__was_shown = False self.__statusMessage = "" self.__info_ns = None # type: Optional[StateInfo] self.__msgwidget = None # type: Optional[MessageOverlayWidget] self.__msgchoice = 0 self.__statusbar = None # type: Optional[QStatusBar] self.__statusbar_action = None # type: Optional[QAction] self.__menubar_action = None self.__menubar_visible_timer = None # this action is enabled by the canvas framework self.__help_action = QAction( "Help", self, objectName="action-help", toolTip="Show help", enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F1) ) self.__report_action = QAction( "Report", self, objectName="action-report", toolTip="Create and display a report", enabled=False, visible=False, shortcut=QKeySequence("alt+r") ) if hasattr(self, "send_report"): self.__report_action.triggered.connect(self.show_report) self.__report_action.setEnabled(True) self.__report_action.setVisible(True) self.__save_image_action = QAction( "Save Image", self, objectName="action-save-image", toolTip="Save image", shortcut=QKeySequence("alt+s"), ) self.__save_image_action.triggered.connect(self.save_graph) self.__save_image_action.setEnabled(bool(self.graph_name)) self.__save_image_action.setVisible(bool(self.graph_name)) self.__reset_action = QAction( "Reset", self, objectName="action-reset-settings", toolTip="Reset settings to default state", enabled=False, visible=False, ) if hasattr(self, "reset_settings"): self.__reset_action.triggered.connect(self.reset_settings) self.__reset_action.setEnabled(True) self.__reset_action.setVisible(True) self.__visual_settings_action = QAction( "Show View Options", self, objectName="action-visual-settings", toolTip="Show View Options", enabled=False, visible=False, ) self.__visual_settings_action.triggered.connect( self.openVisualSettingsClicked) if hasattr(self, "set_visual_settings"): self.__visual_settings_action.setEnabled(True) self.__visual_settings_action.setVisible(True) self.addAction(self.__help_action) self.__copy_action = QAction( "Copy to Clipboard", self, objectName="action-copy-to-clipboard", shortcut=QKeySequence.Copy, enabled=False, visible=False ) self.__copy_action.triggered.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) if type(self).copy_to_clipboard != OWBaseWidget.copy_to_clipboard \ or self.graph_name is not None: self.__copy_action.setEnabled(True) self.__copy_action.setVisible(True) self.__copy_action.setText("Copy Image to Clipboard") # macOS Minimize action self.__minimize_action = QAction( "Minimize", self, shortcut=QKeySequence("ctrl+m") ) self.__minimize_action.triggered.connect(self.showMinimized) # macOS Close window action self.__close_action = QAction( "Close", self, objectName="action-close-window", shortcut=QKeySequence("ctrl+w") ) self.__close_action.triggered.connect(self.hide) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(__name__ + "/menubar") self.__menubar = mb = QMenuBar(self) # do we have a native menubar nativemb = mb.isNativeMenuBar() if nativemb: # force non native mb via. settings override nativemb = settings.value( "use-native", defaultValue=nativemb, type=bool ) mb.setNativeMenuBar(nativemb) if not nativemb: # without native menu bar configure visibility mbvisible = settings.value( "visible", defaultValue=False, type=bool ) mb.setVisible(mbvisible) self.__menubar_action = QAction( "Show Menu Bar", self, objectName="action-show-menu-bar", checkable=True, shortcut=QKeySequence("ctrl+shift+m") ) self.__menubar_action.setChecked(mbvisible) self.__menubar_action.triggered[bool].connect( self.__setMenuBarVisible ) self.__menubar_visible_timer = QTimer( self, objectName="menu-bar-visible-timer", singleShot=True, interval=settings.value( "alt-key-timeout", defaultValue=50, type=int, ) ) self.__menubar_visible_timer.timeout.connect( self.__menuBarVisibleTimeout ) self.addAction(self.__menubar_action) fileaction = mb.addMenu(_Menu("&File", mb, objectName="menu-file")) fileaction.setVisible(False) editaction = mb.addMenu(_Menu("&Edit", mb, objectName="menu-edit")) editaction.setVisible(False) if sys.platform == "darwin" and mb.isNativeMenuBar(): # QTBUG-17291 QAction( "Cut", self, enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Cut), )) QAction( "Copy", self, enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Copy), )) QAction( "Paste", self, enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Paste), )) QAction( "Select All", self, enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.SelectAll), )) viewaction = mb.addMenu(_Menu("&View", mb, objectName="menu-view")) viewaction.setVisible(False) windowaction = mb.addMenu(_Menu("&Window", mb, objectName="menu-window")) windowaction.setVisible(False) if sys.platform == "darwin": helpaction = mb.addMenu(_Menu("&Help", mb, objectName="help-menu")) self.left_side = None self.controlArea = self.mainArea = self.buttonsArea = None self.__splitter = None if self.want_basic_layout: self.set_basic_layout() self.update_summaries() self.layout().setMenuBar(mb) self.__quick_help_action = QAction( "Quick Help Tip", self, objectName="action-quick-help-tip", shortcut=QKeySequence("shift+f1") ) self.__quick_help_action.setEnabled(bool(self.UserAdviceMessages)) self.__quick_help_action.setVisible(bool(self.UserAdviceMessages)) self.__quick_help_action.triggered.connect(self.__quicktip) if self.__splitter is not None and self.__splitter.count() > 1: action = QAction( "Show Control Area", self, objectName="action-show-control-area", shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+D"), checkable=True, autoRepeat=False, ) action.setChecked(True) action.triggered[bool].connect(self.__setControlAreaVisible) self.__splitter.handleClicked.connect(self.__toggleControlArea) if self.__menubar_action is not None: if self.controlArea is not None: # Otherwise, the first control has focus self.controlArea.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) return self def menuBar(self) -> QMenuBar: return self.__menubar def __menuBarVisibleTimeout(self): mb = self.__menubar if mb is not None and mb.isHidden() \ and QApplication.mouseButtons() == Qt.NoButton: mb.setVisible(True) mb.setProperty("__visible_from_alt_key_press", True) def __setMenuBarVisible(self, visible): mb = self.__menubar if mb is not None: mb.setVisible(visible) mb.setProperty("__visible_from_alt_key_press", False) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(__name__ + "/menubar") settings.setValue("visible", visible) # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """__init__s are called in __new__; don't call them from here""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **_): for base in cls.__bases__: if hasattr(base, "_final_class"): warnings.warn( "subclassing of widget classes is deprecated and will be " "disabled in the future.\n" f"Extract code from {base.__name__} or explicitly open it " "by adding `openclass=True` to class definition.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3) # raise TypeError(f"class {base.__name__} cannot be subclassed") @classmethod def get_widget_description(cls): if not return None properties = {name: getattr(cls, name) for name in ("name", "icon", "description", "priority", "keywords", "replaces", "short_name", "category")} properties["id"] = or cls.__module__ properties["inputs"] = cls.get_signals("inputs") properties["outputs"] = cls.get_signals("outputs") properties["qualified_name"] = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}" return properties @classmethod def get_flags(cls): return Qt.Window if cls.resizing_enabled else Qt.Dialog class _Splitter(QSplitter): handleClicked = Signal() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, *kwargs) self.setHandleWidth(18) def _adjusted_size(self, size_method): parent = self.parentWidget() if isinstance(parent, OWBaseWidget) \ and not parent.controlAreaVisible \ and self.count() > 1: indices = range(1, self.count()) else: indices = range(0, self.count()) shs = [size_method(self.widget(i))() for i in indices] height = max((sh.height() for sh in shs), default=0) width = sum(sh.width() for sh in shs) width += max(0, self.handleWidth() * (self.count() - 1)) return QSize(width, height) def sizeHint(self): return self._adjusted_size(attrgetter("sizeHint")) def minimumSizeHint(self): return self._adjusted_size(attrgetter("minimumSizeHint")) def setSizes(self, sizes): super().setSizes(sizes) if len(sizes) == 2: self.handle(1).setControlAreaShown(bool(sizes[0])) def createHandle(self): """Create splitter handle""" return self._Handle( self.orientation(), self, cursor=Qt.PointingHandCursor) class _Handle(QSplitterHandle): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.controlAreaShown = True def setControlAreaShown(self, shown): self.controlAreaShown = shown self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): super(QSplitterHandle, self).paintEvent(event) painter = QPainter(self) pen = QPen() pen.setColor(QColor(160, 160, 160)) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) pen.setWidth(3) painter.setPen(pen) w = self.width() - 6 if self.controlAreaShown: x0, x1 = 6, w else: x0, x1 = w, 6 y = self.height() // 2 h = int((w - 6) / 1.12) painter.setRenderHint(painter.Antialiasing) painter.drawLines( QLine(x0, y - h, x1, y), QLine(x1, y, x0, y + h) ) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """Resize on left button""" if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.splitter().handleClicked.emit() super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """Prevent moving; just show/hide""" return def _insert_splitter(self): self.__splitter = self._Splitter(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.layout().addWidget(self.__splitter) def _insert_control_area(self): self.left_side = gui.vBox(self.__splitter, spacing=0) if self.want_main_area: self.left_side.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) scroll_area = VerticalScrollArea(self.left_side) scroll_area.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.controlArea = gui.vBox(scroll_area, spacing=6, sizePolicy=(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred)) scroll_area.setWidget(self.controlArea) self.left_side.layout().addWidget(scroll_area) m = 4, 4, 0, 4 else: self.controlArea = gui.vBox(self.left_side, spacing=6) m = 4, 4, 4, 4 if self.buttons_area_orientation is not None: self._insert_buttons_area() self.buttonsArea.layout().setContentsMargins( m[0] + 8, m[1], m[2] + 8, m[3] ) # margins are nice on macOS with this m = m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3] - 2 self.controlArea.layout().setContentsMargins(*m) def _insert_buttons_area(self): if not self.want_main_area: gui.separator(self.left_side) self.buttonsArea = gui.widgetBox( self.left_side, spacing=6, orientation=self.buttons_area_orientation, sizePolicy=(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Maximum) ) def _insert_main_area(self): self.mainArea = gui.vBox( self.__splitter, spacing=6, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) ) self.__splitter.addWidget(self.mainArea) self.__splitter.setCollapsible( self.__splitter.indexOf(self.mainArea), False) if self.want_control_area: self.mainArea.layout().setContentsMargins( 0, 4, 4, 4) self.__splitter.setSizes([1, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX]) else: self.mainArea.layout().setContentsMargins( 4, 4, 4, 4) def _create_default_buttons(self): # These buttons are inserted in buttons_area, if it exists # Otherwise it is up to the widget to add them to some layout if self.graph_name is not None: self.graphButton = QPushButton("&Save Image", autoDefault=False) self.graphButton.clicked.connect(self.save_graph) if hasattr(self, "send_report"): self.report_button = QPushButton("&Report", autoDefault=False) self.report_button.clicked.connect(self.show_report)
[docs] def set_basic_layout(self): """Provide the basic widget layout Which parts are created is regulated by class attributes `want_main_area`, `want_control_area`, `want_message_bar` and `buttons_area_orientation`, the presence of method `send_report` and attribute `graph_name`. """ self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) if not self.resizing_enabled: self.layout().setSizeConstraint(QVBoxLayout.SetFixedSize) self._create_default_buttons() self._insert_splitter() if self.want_control_area: self._insert_control_area() if self.want_main_area: self._insert_main_area() if self.want_message_bar: # statusBar() handles 'want_message_bar', 'send_report' # 'graph_name' ... _ = self.statusBar()
__progressBar = None # type: Optional[QProgressBar] __statusbar = None # type: Optional[QStatusBar] __statusbar_action = None # type: Optional[QAction]
[docs] def statusBar(self): # type: () -> QStatusBar """ Return the widget's status bar. The status bar can be hidden/shown (`self.statusBar().setVisible()`). Note ---- The status bar takes control of the widget's bottom margin (`contentsMargins`) to layout itself in the OWBaseWidget. """ statusbar = self.__statusbar if statusbar is None: # Use a OverlayWidget for status bar positioning. c = OverlayWidget(self, alignment=Qt.AlignBottom) c.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) c.setWidget(self) c.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) c.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.__statusbar = statusbar = _StatusBar( c, objectName="owwidget-status-bar" ) statusbar.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Maximum) if self.resizing_enabled: statusbar.setSizeGripEnabled(True) else: statusbar.setSizeGripEnabled(False) statusbar.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 7, 0) statusbar.ensurePolished() c.layout().addWidget(statusbar) # Reserve the bottom margins for the status bar margins = self.contentsMargins() margins.setBottom(statusbar.sizeHint().height()) self.setContentsMargins(margins) statusbar.change.connect(self.__updateStatusBarOnChange) # Toggle status bar visibility. This action is not visible and # enabled by default. Client classes can inspect self.actions # and enable it if necessary. self.__statusbar_action = statusbar_action = QAction( "Show Status Bar", self, objectName="action-show-status-bar", toolTip="Show status bar", checkable=True, enabled=False, visible=False, shortcut=QKeySequence("Shift+Ctrl+\\") ) if self.want_message_bar: self.message_bar = MessagesWidget( defaultStyleSheet=( "div.field-text { white-space: pre; }\n" "div.field-detailed-text {\n" " margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; \n" " margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\n" "}" ), elideText=True, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred), visible=False ) self.__progressBar = pb = QProgressBar( maximumWidth=120, minimum=0, maximum=100 ) pb.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Maximum, QSizePolicy.Ignored) pb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect) pb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacMiniSize) pb.hide() self.processingStateChanged.connect(self.__processingStateChanged) self.blockingStateChanged.connect(self.__processingStateChanged) self.progressBarValueChanged.connect(lambda v: pb.setValue(int(v))) statusbar.addPermanentWidget(pb) if self.message_bar is not None: statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.message_bar) statusbar_action.toggled[bool].connect(statusbar.setVisible) self.addAction(statusbar_action) # reserve buttons and in_out_msg areas def hlayout(spacing, left=0, right=0, ): lay = QHBoxLayout(spacing=spacing) lay.setContentsMargins(left, 0, right, 0) return lay buttons = QWidget(statusbar, objectName="buttons", visible=False) buttons.setLayout(hlayout(5, 7)) buttonsLayout = buttons.layout() simple_button = _StatusBar.simple_button icon = _load_styled_icon if self.__menubar is not None \ and not self.__menubar.isNativeMenuBar(): # damn millennials b = _StatusBarButton( icon=icon("hamburger.svg"), toolTip="Menu", objectName="status-bar-menu-button" ) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(self.__showStatusBarMenu) if self.__help_action is not None: b = simple_button(buttons, self.__help_action, icon("help.svg")) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) if self.__save_image_action is not None: b = simple_button(buttons, self.__save_image_action, icon("chart.svg")) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) if self.__report_action is not None: b = simple_button(buttons, self.__report_action, icon("report.svg")) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) if self.__reset_action is not None: b = simple_button(buttons, self.__reset_action, icon("reset.svg")) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) if self.__visual_settings_action is not None: b = simple_button(buttons, self.__visual_settings_action, icon("visual-settings.svg")) buttonsLayout.addWidget(b) if buttonsLayout.count(): buttons.setVisible(True) in_out_msg = QWidget(objectName="in-out-msg", visible=False) in_out_msg.setLayout(hlayout(5, left=5)) statusbar.addWidget(buttons) statusbar.addWidget(in_out_msg) # Ensure the status bar and the message widget are visible on # warning and errors. self.messageActivated.connect(self.__ensureStatusBarVisible) if self.__menubar is not None: viewm = self.findChild(QMenu, "menu-view") if viewm is not None: viewm.addAction(statusbar_action) return statusbar
def __ensureStatusBarVisible(self, msg: Msg) -> None: statusbar = self.__statusbar if statusbar is not None and >= 1: statusbar.setVisible(True) def __updateStatusBarOnChange(self): statusbar = self.__statusbar visible = statusbar.isVisibleTo(self) if visible: height = statusbar.height() else: height = 0 margins = self.contentsMargins() margins.setBottom(height) self.setContentsMargins(margins) self.__statusbar_action.setChecked(visible) def __processingStateChanged(self): # Update the progress bar in the widget's status bar pb = self.__progressBar if pb is None: return pb.setVisible(bool(self.processingState) or self.isBlocking()) if self.isBlocking() and not self.processingState: pb.setRange(0, 0) # indeterminate pb elif self.processingState: pb.setRange(0, 100) # determinate pb __info_ns = None # type: Optional[StateInfo] def __info(self): # Create and return the StateInfo object if self.__info_ns is None: self.__info_ns = info = StateInfo(self) # default css for IO summary. css = textwrap.dedent(""" /* vertical row header cell */ tr > th.field-name { text-align: right; padding-right: 0.2em; font-weight: bold; } dt { font-weight: bold; } """) sb = self.statusBar() if sb is not None: in_out_msg = sb.findChild(QWidget, "in-out-msg") assert in_out_msg is not None in_out_msg.setVisible(True) in_msg = InOutStateWidget( objectName="input-summary", visible=False, defaultStyleSheet=css, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) ) out_msg = InOutStateWidget( objectName="output-summary", visible=False, defaultStyleSheet=css, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) ) in_msg.clicked.connect(partial(self.show_preview, self.input_summaries)) out_msg.clicked.connect(partial(self.show_preview, self.output_summaries)) # Insert a separator if these are not the first elements buttons = sb.findChild(QWidget, "buttons") assert buttons is not None if buttons.layout().count() != 0: sep = QFrame(frameShape=QFrame.VLine) sep.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 2, 0) in_out_msg.layout().addWidget(sep) in_out_msg.layout().addWidget(in_msg) in_out_msg.layout().addWidget(out_msg) in_out_msg.setVisible(True) def set_message(msgwidget, m): # type: (MessagesWidget, StateInfo.Summary) -> None message = MessagesWidget.Message( icon=m.icon, text=m.brief, informativeText=m.details, textFormat=m.format ) msgwidget.setMessage(message) msgwidget.setVisible(not message.isEmpty()) info.input_summary_changed.connect( lambda m: set_message(in_msg, m) ) info.output_summary_changed.connect( lambda m: set_message(out_msg, m) ) else: info = self.__info_ns return info @property def info(self): # type: () -> StateInfo """ A namespace for reporting I/O, state ... related messages. .. versionadded:: 3.19 Returns ------- namespace : StateInfo """ # back-compatibility; subclasses were free to assign = # to any value. Preserve this. try: return self.__dict__["info"] except KeyError: pass return self.__info() @info.setter def info(self, val): warnings.warn( "'' is a property since 3.19 and will be made read " "only in v4.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3 ) self.__dict__["info"] = val def __toggleControlArea(self): if self.__splitter is None or self.__splitter.count() < 2: return self.__setControlAreaVisible(not self.__splitter.sizes()[0]) def __setControlAreaVisible(self, visible): # type: (bool) -> None if self.__splitter is None or self.__splitter.count() < 2: return self.controlAreaVisible = visible action = self.findChild(QAction, "action-show-control-area") if action is not None: action.setChecked(visible) splitter = self.__splitter # type: QSplitter w = splitter.widget(0) # Set minimum width to 1 (overrides minimumSizeHint) when control area # is not visible to allow the main area to shrink further. Reset the # minimum width with a 0 if control area is visible. w.setMinimumWidth(int(not visible)) sizes = splitter.sizes() current_size = sizes[0] if bool(current_size) == visible: return current_width = w.width() geom = self.geometry() frame = self.frameGeometry() framemargins = QMargins( frame.left() - geom.left(), -, frame.right() - geom.right(), frame.bottom() - geom.bottom() ) splitter.setSizes([int(visible), QWIDGETSIZE_MAX]) if not self.isWindow() or \ self.windowState() not in [Qt.WindowNoState, Qt.WindowActive]: # not a window or not in state where we can move move/resize return # force immediate resize recalculation splitter.refresh() self.layout().invalidate() self.layout().activate() if visible: # move left and expand by the exposing widget's width diffx = -w.width() diffw = w.width() else: # move right and shrink by the collapsing width diffx = current_width diffw = -current_width newgeom = QRect( geom.x() + diffx, geom.y(), geom.width() + diffw, geom.height() ) # bound/move by available geometry bounds = self.screen().availableGeometry() bounds = bounds.adjusted( framemargins.left(),, -framemargins.right(), -framemargins.bottom() ) newsize = newgeom.size().boundedTo(bounds.size()) newgeom = QRect(newgeom.topLeft(), newsize) newgeom.moveLeft(max(newgeom.left(), bounds.left())) newgeom.moveRight(min(newgeom.right(), bounds.right())) self.setGeometry(newgeom)
[docs] def save_graph(self): """Save the graph with the name given in class attribute `graph_name`. The method is called by the *Save graph* button, which is created automatically if the `graph_name` is defined. """ graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return saveplot.save_plot(graph_obj, self.graph_writers)
def copy_to_clipboard(self): if self.graph_name: graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return ClipboardFormat.write_image(None, graph_obj) def __restoreWidgetGeometry(self, geometry): # type: (bytes) -> bool def _fullscreen_to_maximized(geometry): """Don't restore windows into full screen mode because it loses decorations and can't be de-fullscreened at least on some platforms. Use Maximized state insted.""" w = QWidget(visible=False) w.restoreGeometry(QByteArray(geometry)) if w.isFullScreen(): w.setWindowState( w.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowFullScreen | Qt.WindowMaximized) return w.saveGeometry() restored = False if geometry: geometry = _fullscreen_to_maximized(geometry) restored = self.restoreGeometry(geometry) if restored and not self.windowState() & \ (Qt.WindowMaximized | Qt.WindowFullScreen): space = self.screen().availableGeometry() frame, geometry = self.frameGeometry(), self.geometry() # Fix the widget size to fit inside the available space width = space.width() - (frame.width() - geometry.width()) width = min(width, geometry.width()) height = space.height() - (frame.height() - geometry.height()) height = min(height, geometry.height()) self.resize(width, height) # Move the widget to the center of available space if it is # currently outside it if not space.contains(self.frameGeometry()): x = max(0, space.width() // 2 - width // 2) y = max(0, space.height() // 2 - height // 2) self.move(x, y) return restored def __updateSavedGeometry(self): if self.__was_restored and self.isVisible(): # Update the saved geometry only between explicit show/hide # events (i.e. changes initiated by the user not by Qt's default # window management). # Note: This should always be stored as bytes and not QByteArray. self.savedWidgetGeometry = bytes(self.saveGeometry())
[docs] def sizeHint(self): if not self.want_basic_layout \ or self.mainArea_width_height_ratio is None: return super().sizeHint() # Super sizeHint with scroll_area isn't calculated right (slightly too small on macOS) # on some platforms. This way, width/height should be optimal for most widgets. sh = QSize() # boxes look nice on macOS with starting width/height 4 width = 4 height = 4 if self.want_message_bar: msh = self.statusBar().sizeHint() height += msh.height() if self.want_control_area: csh = self.controlArea.sizeHint() width += csh.width() height += csh.height() if self.buttons_area_orientation: bsh = self.buttonsArea.sizeHint() height += bsh.height() height = max(height, 500) if self.want_main_area: width += self.__splitter.handleWidth() if self.want_control_area: width += int(height * self.mainArea_width_height_ratio) else: return super().sizeHint() return QSize(width, height)
# when widget is resized, save the new width and height
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): """Overloaded to save the geometry (width and height) when the widget is resized. """ QDialog.resizeEvent(self, event) # Don't store geometry if the widget is not visible # (the widget receives a resizeEvent (with the default sizeHint) # before first showEvent and we must not overwrite the the # savedGeometry with it) if self.save_position and self.isVisible(): self.__updateSavedGeometry()
[docs] def moveEvent(self, event): """Overloaded to save the geometry when the widget is moved """ QDialog.moveEvent(self, event) if self.save_position and self.isVisible(): self.__updateSavedGeometry()
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): """Overloaded to save the geometry when the widget is hidden """ if self.save_position: self.__updateSavedGeometry() QDialog.hideEvent(self, event)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """Overloaded to save the geometry when the widget is closed """ if self.save_position and self.isVisible(): self.__updateSavedGeometry() QDialog.closeEvent(self, event)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Flash message bar icon on mouse press """ if self.message_bar is not None: self.message_bar.flashIcon() event.ignore()
[docs] def setVisible(self, visible): # type: (bool) -> None """Reimplemented from `QDialog.setVisible`.""" if visible: # Force cached size hint invalidation ... The size hints are # sometimes not properly invalidated via the splitter's layout and # nested left_part -> controlArea layouts. This causes bad initial # size when the widget is first shown. if self.controlArea is not None: self.controlArea.updateGeometry() if self.buttonsArea is not None: self.buttonsArea.updateGeometry() if self.mainArea is not None: self.mainArea.updateGeometry() super().setVisible(visible)
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): """Overloaded to restore the geometry when the widget is shown """ QDialog.showEvent(self, event) if not self.__was_restored: # Restore saved geometry/layout on (first) show if self.__splitter is not None: self.__setControlAreaVisible(self.controlAreaVisible) if self.save_position and self.savedWidgetGeometry is not None: self.__restoreWidgetGeometry(bytes(self.savedWidgetGeometry)) self.__was_restored = True if not self.__was_shown: # Mark as explicitly moved/resized if not already. QDialog would # otherwise adjust position/size on subsequent hide/show # (move/resize events coming from the window manager do not set # these flags). self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_Moved, True) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_Resized, True) self.__was_shown = True self.__quicktipOnce()
def __showStatusBarMenu(self): # type: () -> None sb = self.__statusbar mb = self.__menubar if sb is None or mb is None: return b = sb.findChild(SimpleButton, "status-bar-menu-button") if b is None: return actions = [] for action in mb.actions(): if action.isVisible() and action.isEnabled() and actions.append(action) if not actions: return menu = QMenu(self) menu.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) menu.addActions(actions) popup_rect = QRect( b.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)), b.size() ) menu.ensurePolished() screen_rect = b.screen().availableGeometry() menu_rect = dropdown_popup_geometry( menu.sizeHint(), popup_rect, screen_rect, preferred_direction="up" ) menu.popup(menu_rect.topLeft()) def setCaption(self, caption): # save caption title in case progressbar will change it self.captionTitle = str(caption) self.setWindowTitle(caption)
[docs] def reshow(self): """Put the widget on top of all windows """ self.raise_() self.activateWindow()
[docs] def openContext(self, *a): """Open a new context corresponding to the given data. The settings handler first checks the stored context for a suitable match. If one is found, it becomes the current contexts and the widgets settings are initialized accordingly. If no suitable context exists, a new context is created and data is copied from the widget's settings into the new context. Widgets that have context settings must call this method after reinitializing the user interface (e.g. combo boxes) with the new data. The arguments given to this method are passed to the context handler. Their type depends upon the handler. For instance, `DomainContextHandler` expects `` or ``. """ self.contextAboutToBeOpened.emit(a) self.settingsHandler.open_context(self, *a) self.contextOpened.emit()
[docs] def closeContext(self): """Save the current settings and close the current context. Widgets that have context settings must call this method before reinitializing the user interface (e.g. combo boxes) with the new data. """ self.settingsHandler.close_context(self) self.contextClosed.emit()
[docs] def retrieveSpecificSettings(self): """ Retrieve data that is not registered as setting. This method is called by `orangewidget.settings.ContextHandler.settings_to_widget`. Widgets may define it to retrieve any data that is not stored in widget attributes. See :obj:`` for an example. """
[docs] def storeSpecificSettings(self): """ Store data that is not registered as setting. This method is called by `orangewidget.settings.ContextHandler.settings_from_widget`. Widgets may define it to store any data that is not stored in widget attributes. See :obj:`` for an example. """
[docs] def saveSettings(self): """ Writes widget instance's settings to class defaults. Usually called when the widget is deleted. """ self.settingsHandler.update_defaults(self)
[docs] def onDeleteWidget(self): """ Invoked by the canvas to notify the widget it has been deleted from the workflow. If possible, subclasses should gracefully cancel any currently executing tasks. """
[docs] def handleNewSignals(self): """ Invoked by the workflow signal propagation manager after all signals handlers have been called. Reimplement this method in order to coalesce updates from multiple updated inputs. """
#: Widget's status message has changed. statusMessageChanged = Signal(str)
[docs] def setStatusMessage(self, text): """ Set widget's status message. This is a short status string to be displayed inline next to the instantiated widget icon in the canvas. """ assert QThread.currentThread() == self.thread() if self.__statusMessage != text: self.__statusMessage = text self.statusMessageChanged.emit(text)
[docs] def statusMessage(self): """ Return the widget's status message. """ return self.__statusMessage
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent) -> None: mb = self.__menubar if not mb.isNativeMenuBar() \ and e.modifiers() == Qt.AltModifier \ and e.key() in [Qt.Key_Alt, Qt.Key_AltGr] \ and QApplication.mouseButtons() == Qt.NoButton \ and mb.isHidden(): self.__menubar_visible_timer.start() elif self.__menubar_visible_timer is not None: # stop the timer on any other key press self.__menubar_visible_timer.stop() super().keyPressEvent(e)
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent) -> None: mb = self.__menubar if not mb.isNativeMenuBar() \ and event.key() in [Qt.Key_Alt, Qt.Key_AltGr]: self.__menubar_visible_timer.stop() if"__visible_from_alt_key_press") is True: mb.setVisible(False) mb.setProperty("__visible_from_alt_key_press", False) super().keyReleaseEvent(event)
[docs] def setBlocking(self, state=True) -> None: """ Set blocking flag for this widget. While this flag is set this widget and all its descendants will not receive any new signals from the workflow signal manager. .. deprecated:: 4.2.0 Setting/clearing this flag is equivalent to `setInvalidated(True); setReady(False)` and `setInvalidated(False); setReady(True)` respectively. Use :func:`setInvalidated` and :func:`setReady` in new code. .. seealso:: :func:`setInvalidated`, :func:`setReady` """ if state: self.__setState(True, False) else: self.__setState(False, True)
[docs] def isBlocking(self): """ Is this widget blocking signal processing. """ return self.isInvalidated() and not self.isReady()
widgetStateChanged = Signal() blockingStateChanged = Signal(bool) processingStateChanged = Signal(int) invalidatedStateChanged = Signal(bool) readyStateChanged = Signal(bool) __invalidated = False __ready = True
[docs] def setInvalidated(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Set/clear invalidated flag on this widget. While this flag is set none of its descendants will receive new signals from the workflow execution manager. This is useful for instance if the widget does it's work in a separate thread or schedules processing from the event queue. In this case it can set the invalidated flag when starting a task. After the task has completed the widget can clear the flag and send the updated outputs. .. note:: Failure to clear this flag will block dependent nodes forever. .. seealso:: :func:`~Output.invalidate()` for a more fine grained invalidation. """ self.__setState(state, self.__ready)
[docs] def isInvalidated(self) -> bool: """ Return the widget's invalidated flag. """ return self.__invalidated
[docs] def setReady(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Set/clear ready flag on this widget. While a ready flag is unset, the widget will not receive any new input updates from the workflow execution manager. By default this flag is True. """ self.__setState(self.__invalidated, state)
[docs] def isReady(self) -> bool: """ Return the widget's ready state """ return self.__ready
def __setState(self, invalidated: bool, ready: bool) -> None: blocking = self.isBlocking() changed = False if self.__ready != ready: self.__ready = ready changed = True self.readyStateChanged.emit(ready) if self.__invalidated != invalidated: self.__invalidated = invalidated self.invalidatedStateChanged.emit(invalidated) changed = True if changed: self.widgetStateChanged.emit() if blocking != self.isBlocking(): self.blockingStateChanged.emit(self.isBlocking())
[docs] def workflowEnv(self): """ Return (a view to) the workflow runtime environment. Returns ------- env : types.MappingProxyType """ return self.__env
[docs] def workflowEnvChanged(self, key, value, oldvalue): """ A workflow environment variable `key` has changed to value. Called by the canvas framework to notify widget of a change in the workflow runtime environment. The default implementation does nothing. """
[docs] def saveGeometryAndLayoutState(self): # type: () -> QByteArray """ Save the current geometry and layout state of this widget and child windows (if applicable). Returns ------- state : QByteArray Saved state. """ version = 0x1 have_spliter = 0 splitter_state = 0 if self.__splitter is not None: have_spliter = 1 splitter_state = 1 if self.controlAreaVisible else 0 data = QByteArray() stream = QDataStream(data, QBuffer.WriteOnly) stream.writeUInt32(version) stream.writeUInt16((have_spliter << 1) | splitter_state) stream <<= self.saveGeometry() return data
[docs] def restoreGeometryAndLayoutState(self, state): # type: (QByteArray) -> bool """ Restore the geometry and layout of this widget to a state previously saved with :func:`saveGeometryAndLayoutState`. Parameters ---------- state : QByteArray Saved state. Returns ------- success : bool `True` if the state was successfully restored, `False` otherwise. """ version = 0x1 stream = QDataStream(state, QBuffer.ReadOnly) version_ = stream.readUInt32() if stream.status() != QDataStream.Ok or version_ != version: return False splitter_state = stream.readUInt16() has_spliter = splitter_state & 0x2 splitter_state = splitter_state & 0x1 if has_spliter and self.__splitter is not None: self.__setControlAreaVisible(bool(splitter_state)) geometry = QByteArray() stream >>= geometry if stream.status() == QDataStream.Ok: state = self.__restoreWidgetGeometry(bytes(geometry)) self.__was_restored = self.__was_restored or state return state else: return False # pragma: no cover
def __showMessage(self, message): if self.__msgwidget is not None: self.__msgwidget.hide() self.__msgwidget.deleteLater() self.__msgwidget = None if message is None: return buttons = MessageOverlayWidget.Ok | MessageOverlayWidget.Close if message.moreurl is not None: buttons |= MessageOverlayWidget.Help if message.icon is not None: icon = message.icon else: icon = Message.Information self.__msgwidget = MessageOverlayWidget( parent=self, text=message.text, icon=icon, wordWrap=True, standardButtons=buttons) btn = self.__msgwidget.button(MessageOverlayWidget.Ok) btn.setText("Ok, got it") self.__msgwidget.setStyleSheet(""" MessageOverlayWidget { background: qlineargradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop:0 #666, stop:0.3 #6D6D6D, stop:1 #666) } MessageOverlayWidget QLabel#text-label { color: white; }""") if message.moreurl is not None: helpbutton = self.__msgwidget.button(MessageOverlayWidget.Help) helpbutton.setText("Learn more\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}") self.__msgwidget.helpRequested.connect( lambda: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(message.moreurl))) self.__msgwidget.setWidget(self) def __quicktip(self): messages = list(self.UserAdviceMessages) if messages: message = messages[self.__msgchoice % len(messages)] self.__msgchoice += 1 self.__showMessage(message) def __quicktipOnce(self): dirpath = settings.widget_settings_dir(versioned=False) try: os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True) except OSError: # EPERM, EEXISTS, ... pass filename = os.path.join(settings.widget_settings_dir(versioned=False), "user-session-state.ini") namespace = ("user-message-history/{0.__module__}.{0.__qualname__}" .format(type(self))) session_hist = QSettings(filename, QSettings.IniFormat) session_hist.beginGroup(namespace) messages = self.UserAdviceMessages def _ispending(msg): return not session_hist.value( "{}/confirmed".format(msg.persistent_id), defaultValue=False, type=bool) messages = [msg for msg in messages if _ispending(msg)] if not messages: return message = messages[self.__msgchoice % len(messages)] self.__msgchoice += 1 self.__showMessage(message) def _userconfirmed(): session_hist = QSettings(filename, QSettings.IniFormat) session_hist.beginGroup(namespace) session_hist.setValue( "{}/confirmed".format(message.persistent_id), True) session_hist.sync() self.__msgwidget.accepted.connect(_userconfirmed)
[docs] @classmethod def migrate_settings(cls, settings, version): """Fix settings to work with the current version of widgets Parameters ---------- settings : dict dict of name - value mappings version : Optional[int] version of the saved settings or None if settings were created before migrations """
[docs] @classmethod def migrate_context(cls, context, version): """Fix contexts to work with the current version of widgets Parameters ---------- context : Context Context object version : Optional[int] version of the saved context or None if context was created before migrations """
[docs] def actionEvent(self, event: QActionEvent) -> None: if event.type() in (QEvent.ActionAdded, QEvent.ActionRemoved): event = cast(QActionEvent, event) action = event.action() if action.objectName().startswith("action-canvas-"): menu = self.findChild(QMenu, "menu-window") if menu is not None: if event.type() == QEvent.ActionAdded: menu.addAction(action) else: menu.removeAction(action) super().actionEvent(event)
class _StatusBar(QStatusBar): #: Emitted on a change of geometry or visibility (explicit hide/show) change = Signal() def event(self, event): # type: (QEvent) ->bool if event.type() in {QEvent.Resize, QEvent.ShowToParent, QEvent.HideToParent}: self.change.emit() return super().event(event) def paintEvent(self, event): style = opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) painter = QPainter(self) # Omit the widget instance from the call (QTBUG-60018) style.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_PanelStatusBar, opt, painter, None) # Do not draw any PE_FrameStatusBarItem frames. painter.end() @staticmethod def simple_button( parent: QWidget, action: QAction, icon=QIcon() ) -> SimpleButton: if icon.isNull(): icon = action.icon() button = _StatusBarButton( parent, icon=icon, toolTip=action.toolTip(), whatsThis=action.whatsThis(), visible=action.isVisible(), enabled=action.isEnabled(), ) def update(): button.setVisible(action.isVisible()) button.setEnabled(action.isEnabled()) button.setToolTip(action.toolTip()) button.setWhatsThis(action.whatsThis()) action.changed.connect(update) button.clicked.connect(action.triggered) return button class _StatusBarButton(SimpleButton): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # match top/bottom margins of MessagesWidget self.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) def sizeHint(self): # Ensure the button has at least font height dimensions. sh = super().sizeHint() h = self.fontMetrics().lineSpacing() return sh.expandedTo(QSize(h, h)) class _Menu(QMenu): """ A QMenu managing self-visibility in a parent menu or menu bar. The menu is visible if it has at least one visible action. """ def actionEvent(self, event): super().actionEvent(event) ma = self.menuAction() if ma is not None: ma.setVisible( any(ac.isVisible() and not ac.isSeparator() for ac in self.actions()) ) #: Input/Output flags (deprecated). #: -------------------------------- #: #: The input/output is the default for its type. #: When there are multiple IO signals with the same type the #: one with the default flag takes precedence when adding a new #: link in the canvas. Default = Default NonDefault = NonDefault #: Single input signal (default) Single = Single #: Multiple outputs can be linked to this signal. #: Signal handlers with this flag have (object, id: object) -> None signature. Multiple = Multiple #: Applies to user interaction only. #: Only connected if specifically requested (in a dedicated "Links" dialog) #: or it is the only possible connection. Explicit = Explicit #: Dynamic output type. #: Specifies that the instances on the output will in general be #: subtypes of the declared type and that the output can be connected #: to any input signal which can accept a subtype of the declared output #: type. Dynamic = Dynamic metric_suffix = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']
[docs] class StateInfo(QObject): """ A namespace for OWBaseWidget's detailed input/output/state summary reporting. See Also -------- """
[docs] class Summary: """ Input/output summary description. This class is used to hold and report detailed I/O summaries. Attributes ---------- brief: str A brief (inline) description. details: str A richer detailed description. icon: QIcon An custom icon. If not set a default set will be used to indicate special states (i.e. empty input ...) format: Qt.TextFormat Qt.PlainText if `brief` and `details` are to be rendered as plain text or Qt.RichText if they are HTML. See also -------- :func:`StateInfo.set_input_summary`, :func:`StateInfo.set_output_summary`, :class:`StateInfo.Empty`, :class:`StateInfo.Partial`, `Supported HTML Subset`_ .. _`Supported HTML Subset`: """ def __init__(self, brief="", details="", icon=QIcon(), format=Qt.PlainText): # type: (str, str, QIcon, Qt.TextFormat) -> None super().__init__() self.__brief = brief self.__details = details self.__icon = QIcon(icon) self.__format = format @property def brief(self) -> str: return self.__brief @property def details(self) -> str: return self.__details @property def icon(self) -> QIcon: return QIcon(self.__icon) @property def format(self) -> Qt.TextFormat: return self.__format def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, StateInfo.Summary) and self.brief == other.brief and self.details == other.details and self.icon.cacheKey() == other.icon.cacheKey() and self.format == other.format) def as_dict(self): return dict(brief=self.brief, details=self.details, icon=self.icon, format=self.format) def updated(self, **kwargs): state = self.as_dict() state.update(**kwargs) return type(self)(**state)
[docs] @classmethod def default_icon(cls, role): # type: (str) -> QIcon """ Return a default icon for input/output role. Parameters ---------- role: str "input" or "output" Returns ------- icon: QIcon """ return _load_styled_icon(f"{role}.svg")
[docs] class Empty(Summary): """ Input/output summary description indicating empty I/O state. """ @classmethod def default_icon(cls, role): return _load_styled_icon(f"{role}-empty.svg")
[docs] class Partial(Summary): """ Input summary indicating partial input. This state indicates that some inputs are present but more are needed in order for the widget to proceed. """ @classmethod def default_icon(cls, role): return _load_styled_icon(f"{role}-partial.svg")
#: Signal emitted when the input summary changes input_summary_changed = Signal(Summary) #: Signal emitted when the output summary changes output_summary_changed = Signal(Summary) #: A default message displayed to indicate no inputs. NoInput = Empty() #: A default message displayed to indicate no output. NoOutput = Empty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__input_summary = StateInfo.Summary() # type: StateInfo.Summary self.__output_summary = StateInfo.Summary() # type: StateInfo.Summary
[docs] def set_input_summary(self, summary, details="", icon=QIcon(), format=Qt.PlainText): # type: (Union[StateInfo.Summary, str, int, None], str, QIcon, Qt.TextFormat) -> None """ Set the input summary description. This method has two overloads .. function:: set_input_summary(summary: Optional[StateInfo.Summary]]) .. function:: set_input_summary(summary:str, detailed:str="", icon:QIcon) Note ---- `set_input_summary(None)` clears/resets the current summary. Use `set_input_summary(StateInfo.NoInput)` to indicate no input state. `set_input_summary(int)` to have automatically formatted summary Parameters ---------- summary : Union[Optional[StateInfo.Message], str, int] A populated `StateInfo.Message` instance or a short text description (should not exceed 16 characters) or an integer. details : str A detailed description (only applicable if summary is a string). icon : QIcon An icon. If not specified a default icon will be used (only applicable if `summary` is a string). format : Qt.TextFormat Specify how the `short` and `details` text should be interpreted. Can be `Qt.PlainText` or `Qt.RichText` (only applicable if `summary` is a string or an integer). """ def assert_single_arg(): if not (details == "" and icon.isNull() and format == Qt.PlainText): raise TypeError("No extra arguments expected when `summary` " "is `None` or `Message`") if summary is None: assert_single_arg() summary = StateInfo.Summary() elif isinstance(summary, StateInfo.Summary): assert_single_arg() if isinstance(summary, StateInfo.Empty): summary = summary.updated(details="No data on input", brief='-') if summary.icon.isNull(): summary = summary.updated(icon=summary.default_icon("input")) elif isinstance(summary, str): summary = StateInfo.Summary(summary, details, icon, format=format) if summary.icon.isNull(): summary = summary.updated(icon=summary.default_icon("input")) elif isinstance(summary, int): summary = StateInfo.Summary(self.format_number(summary), details or str(summary), StateInfo.Summary.default_icon("input"), format=format) else: raise TypeError("'None', 'str' or 'Message' instance expected, " "got '{}'" .format(type(summary).__name__)) if self.__input_summary != summary: self.__input_summary = summary self.input_summary_changed.emit(summary)
[docs] def set_output_summary(self, summary, details="", icon=QIcon(), format=Qt.PlainText): # type: (Union[StateInfo.Summary, str, int, None], str, QIcon, Qt.TextFormat) -> None """ Set the output summary description. Note ---- `set_output_summary(None)` clears/resets the current summary. Use `set_output_summary(StateInfo.NoOutput)` to indicate no output state. `set_output_summary(int)` to have automatically formatted summary Parameters ---------- summary : Union[StateInfo.Summary, str, int, None] A populated `StateInfo.Summary` instance or a short text description (should not exceed 16 characters) or an integer. details : str A detailed description (only applicable if `summary` is a string). icon : QIcon An icon. If not specified a default icon will be used (only applicable if `summary` is a string) format : Qt.TextFormat Specify how the `summary` and `details` text should be interpreted. Can be `Qt.PlainText` or `Qt.RichText` (only applicable if `summary` is a string or an integer). """ def assert_single_arg(): if not (details == "" and icon.isNull() and format == Qt.PlainText): raise TypeError("No extra arguments expected when `summary` " "is `None` or `Message`") if summary is None: assert_single_arg() summary = StateInfo.Summary() elif isinstance(summary, StateInfo.Summary): assert_single_arg() if isinstance(summary, StateInfo.Empty): summary = summary.updated(details="No data on output", brief='-') if summary.icon.isNull(): summary = summary.updated(icon=summary.default_icon("output")) elif isinstance(summary, str): summary = StateInfo.Summary(summary, details, icon, format=format) if summary.icon.isNull(): summary = summary.updated(icon=summary.default_icon("output")) elif isinstance(summary, int): summary = StateInfo.Summary(self.format_number(summary), details or str(summary), StateInfo.Summary.default_icon("output"), format=format) else: raise TypeError("'None', 'str' or 'Message' instance expected, " "got '{}'" .format(type(summary).__name__)) if self.__output_summary != summary: self.__output_summary = summary self.output_summary_changed.emit(summary)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_number(n: int) -> str: """ Format integers larger then 9999 with metric suffix and at most 3 digits. Example: >>> StateInfo.format_number(12_345) '12.3k' """ if n < 10_000: return str(n) mag = int(log10(n) // 3) n = n / 10 ** (mag * 3) if n >= 999.5: # rounding to higher order n = 1 mag += 1 return f"{n:.3g}{metric_suffix[mag]}"
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