Source code for orangewidget.tests.base

Testing framework for OWWidgets
import os
import sys
import pickle
import tempfile

import time
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from typing import List, Optional, TypeVar, Type

from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QObject, pyqtSignal, QElapsedTimer, pyqtSlot
from AnyQt.QtTest import QTest, QSignalSpy
from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QApplication, QComboBox, QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QSlider
from AnyQt import sip

from import OWReport
from orangewidget.settings import SettingsHandler
from orangewidget.utils.signals import get_input_meta, notify_input_helper, \
    Output, Input, LazyValue

from orangewidget.widget import OWBaseWidget

if hasattr(sip, "setdestroyonexit"):

app = None


# pylint: disable=invalid-name
T = TypeVar("T")

def named_file(content, encoding=None, suffix=''):
    file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt", delete=False,
                                       encoding=encoding, suffix=suffix)
    name =
        yield name

class _Invalidated(QObject):
    completed = pyqtSignal(object)

class _FinishedMonitor(QObject):
    finished = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, widget: 'OWBaseWidget') -> None:
        self.widget = widget = widget.signalManager  # type: DummySignalManager
        self._finished = self.is_finished()
        self.invalidated_outputs =
        for output in self.invalidated_outputs:
            output.completed.connect(self._completed, Qt.UniqueConnection)

    def is_finished(self) -> bool:
        finished = not (self.widget.isInvalidated() or
        return finished

    def _changed(self):
        fin = self.is_finished()
        self.invalidated_outputs =
        for output in self.invalidated_outputs:
                output.completed.connect(self._completed, Qt.UniqueConnection)
            except TypeError:  # connection already exists
        if fin and fin != self._finished:

    def _completed(self):

class DummySignalManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.outputs = {}

    def clear(self):

    def send(self, widget, signal_name, value, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(signal_name, str):
            signal_name =
        current = self.outputs.get((widget, signal_name), None)
        self.outputs[(widget, signal_name)] = value
        if isinstance(current, _Invalidated):

    def invalidate(self, widget, signal_name):
        if not isinstance(signal_name, str):
            signal_name =
        self.outputs[(widget, signal_name)] = _Invalidated()

    def wait_for_outputs(self, widget, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
        st = _Invalidated()
        invalidated = self.invalidated_outputs(widget)
        for val in invalidated:
        if invalidated:
            return QSignalSpy(st.completed).wait(timeout)
            return True

    def has_invalidated_outputs(self, widget):
        invalidated = self.invalidated_outputs(widget)
        return bool(invalidated)

    def invalidated_outputs(self, widget):
        return [value for (w, name), value in self.outputs.items()
                if w is widget and isinstance(value, _Invalidated)]

    def get_output(self, widget, signal_name, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
        if not isinstance(signal_name, str):
            signal_name =
        elapsed = QElapsedTimer()
        if widget.isInvalidated():
            spy = QSignalSpy(widget.invalidatedStateChanged)
            assert spy.wait(timeout)
            timeout = timeout - elapsed.elapsed()
        value = self.outputs.get((widget, signal_name))
        if isinstance(value, _Invalidated) and timeout >= 0:
            spy = QSignalSpy(value.completed)
            assert spy.wait(timeout), "Failed to get output in the specified timeout"
            assert len(spy) == 1
            value = spy[0][0]
        return value

    def wait_for_finished(
            self, widget: 'OWBaseWidget', timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) -> bool:
        monitor = _FinishedMonitor(widget)
        if monitor.is_finished():
            return True
            spy = QSignalSpy(monitor.finished)
            return spy.wait(timeout)

class GuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Base class for tests that require a QApplication instance

    GuiTest ensures that a QApplication exists before tests are run an
    tear_down_stack: ExitStack
    LANGUAGE = "English"

    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Prepare for test execution.

        Ensure that a (single copy of) QApplication has been created
        global app
        if app is None:
            app = QApplication.instance()
        if app is None:
            app = QApplication(["-", "-widgetcount"])

        # Disable App Nap on macOS (see
        # for more)
        if sys.platform == "darwin":
                import appnope
            except ImportError:
        cls.tear_down_stack = ExitStack()
        if "pyqtgraph" in sys.modules:
            # undo pyqtgraph excepthook override, abort on exceptions in
            # slots, event handlers, ...
            sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__

    def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
        if "pyqtgraph" in sys.modules:
            import pyqtgraph
            pyqtgraph.setConfigOption("exitCleanup", False)

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
        Process any pending events before the next test is executed. This
        includes deletes scheduled with `QObject.deleteLater`.

    def skipNonEnglish(cls, f):
        return cls.runOnLanguage("English")(f)

    def runOnLanguage(cls, lang):
        def decorator(f):
            if cls.LANGUAGE != lang:
                f = unittest.skip(f"Test is valid only for {lang} release")(f)
            return f
        return decorator

NO_VALUE = object()

[docs]class WidgetTest(GuiTest): """Base class for widget tests Contains helper methods widget creation and working with signals. All widgets should be created by the create_widget method, as this will ensure they are created correctly. """ widgets = [] # type: List[OWBaseWidget] def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): def test_minimum_size(self): widget = getattr(self, "widget", None) if widget is None: self.skipTest("minimum size not tested as .widget was not set") self.check_minimum_size(widget) def test_image_export(self): widget = getattr(self, "widget", None) if widget is None: self.skipTest("image exporting not tested as .widget was not set") self.check_export_image(widget) def test_msg_base_class(self): widget = getattr(self, "widget", None) if widget is None: self.skipTest("msg base class not tested as .widget was not set") self.check_msg_base_class(widget) if not hasattr(cls, "test_minimum_size"): cls.test_minimum_size = test_minimum_size if not hasattr(cls, "test_msg_base_class"): cls.test_msg_base_class = test_msg_base_class if not hasattr(cls, "test_image_export"): cls.test_image_export = test_image_export
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Prepare environment for test execution Construct a dummy signal manager and monkey patch OWReport.get_instance to return a manually created instance. """ super().setUpClass() cls.widgets = [] cls.signal_manager = DummySignalManager() report = None def get_instance(): nonlocal report if report is None: report = OWReport() report.have_report_warning_shown = True # if missing QtWebView/QtWebKit if not (os.environ.get("TRAVIS") or os.environ.get("APPVEYOR")): = Mock() cls.widgets.append(report) return report cls.tear_down_stack.enter_context( patch.object(OWReport, "get_instance", get_instance) )
@classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: cls.signal_manager.clear() del cls.signal_manager widgets = cls.widgets[:] cls.widgets.clear() while widgets: w = widgets.pop(-1) if not w.__dict__.get("_Cls__didCallOnDeleteWidget", False): w.onDeleteWidget() if not sip.isdeleted(w): w.deleteLater() w.signalManager = None super().tearDownClass()
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Process any pending events before the next test is executed.""" self.signal_manager.clear() super().tearDown()
[docs] def create_widget(self, cls, stored_settings=None, reset_default_settings=True): # type: (Type[T], Optional[dict], bool) -> T """Create a widget instance using mock signal_manager. When used with default parameters, it also overrides settings stored on disk with default defined in class. After widget is created, QApplication.process_events is called to allow any singleShot timers defined in __init__ to execute. Parameters ---------- cls : WidgetMetaClass Widget class to instantiate stored_settings : dict Default values for settings reset_default_settings : bool If set, widget will start with default values for settings, if not, values accumulated through the session will be used Returns ------- Widget instance : cls """ # Use a substitute subclass to mark calls to onDeleteWidget; Some tests # call this on their own (this used to be done in tearDownClass, then # it was not, so tests did it themself, now it is done again). with open_widget_classes(): class Cls(cls): def onDeleteWidget(self): self.__didCallOnDeleteWidget = True super(Cls, self).onDeleteWidget() __didCallOnDeleteWidget = False Cls.__name__ = cls.__name__ Cls.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__ Cls.__module__ = cls.__module__ if reset_default_settings: self.reset_default_settings(Cls) widget = Cls.__new__(Cls, signal_manager=self.signal_manager, stored_settings=stored_settings) widget.__init__() self.process_events() self.widgets.append(widget) return widget
[docs] @staticmethod def reset_default_settings(widget): """Reset default setting values for widget Discards settings read from disk and changes stored by fast_save Parameters ---------- widget : OWBaseWidget widget to reset settings for """ settings_handler = getattr(widget, "settingsHandler", None) if settings_handler: # Rebind settings handler to get fresh copies of settings # in known_settings settings_handler.bind(widget) # Reset defaults read from disk settings_handler.defaults = {} # Reset context settings settings_handler.global_contexts = []
[docs] def process_events(self, until: callable = None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Process Qt events, optionally until `until` returns something True-ish. Needs to be called manually as QApplication.exec is never called. Parameters ---------- until: callable or None If callable, the events are processed until the function returns something True-ish. timeout: int If until condition is not satisfied within timeout milliseconds, a TimeoutError is raised. Returns ------- If until is not None, the True-ish result of its call. """ if until is None: until = lambda: True started = time.perf_counter() while True: app.processEvents() try: result = until() if result: return result except Exception: # until can fail with anything; pylint: disable=broad-except pass if (time.perf_counter() - started) * 1000 > timeout: raise TimeoutError() time.sleep(.05)
[docs] def show(self, widget=None): """Show widget in interactive mode. Useful for debugging tests, as widget can be inspected manually. """ widget = widget or self.widget app.exec()
[docs] def send_signal(self, input, value=NO_VALUE, *args, widget=None, wait=-1): """ Send signal to widget by calling appropriate triggers. Parameters ---------- input : str value : Object id : int channel id, used for inputs with flag Multiple widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget to send signal to. If not set, self.widget is used wait : int The amount of time to wait for the widget to complete. """ if value is NO_VALUE: value = input wid = widget or self.widget inputs = wid.inputs or wid.Inputs.__dict__.values() assert len(inputs) == 1 input = next(iter(inputs)) return self.send_signals([(input, value)], *args, widget=widget, wait=wait)
[docs] def send_signals(self, signals, *args, widget=None, wait=-1): """ Send signals to widget by calling appropriate triggers. After all the signals are send, widget's handleNewSignals() in invoked. Parameters ---------- signals : list of (str, Object) widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget to send signals to. If not set, self.widget is used wait : int The amount of time to wait for the widget to complete. """ if widget is None: widgets = {signal.widget for signal, _ in signals if hasattr(signal, "widget")} if not widgets: widget = self.widget elif len(widgets) == 1: widget = widgets.pop() else: raise ValueError("Signals are bound to different widgets") for input, value in signals: self._send_signal(widget, input, value, *args) widget.handleNewSignals() if wait >= 0: self.wait_until_finished(widget, timeout=wait)
@staticmethod def _send_signal(widget, input, value, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(input, str): input = get_input_meta(widget, input) if input is None: raise ValueError("'{}' is not an input name for widget {}" .format(input, type(widget).__name__)) if not widget.isReady(): raise RuntimeError("'send_signal' called but the widget is not " "in ready state and does not accept inputs.") # Assert sent input is of correct class assert isinstance(value, (input.type, type(None), type(input.closing_sentinel))), \ '{} should be {}'.format(value.__class__.__mro__, input.type) notify_input_helper(input, widget, value, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def wait_until_stop_blocking(self, widget=None, wait=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Wait until the widget stops blocking i.e. finishes computation. Parameters ---------- widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget to send signal to. If not set, self.widget is used wait : int The amount of time to wait for the widget to complete. """ if widget is None: widget = self.widget if widget.isBlocking(): spy = QSignalSpy(widget.blockingStateChanged) self.assertTrue(spy.wait(timeout=wait))
[docs] def wait_until_finished( self, widget: Optional[OWBaseWidget] = None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) -> None: """Wait until the widget finishes computation. The widget is considered finished once all its outputs are valid. Parameters ---------- widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget to send signal to. If not set, self.widget is used timeout : int The amount of time to wait for the widget to complete. """ if widget is None: widget = self.widget self.assertTrue( self.signal_manager.wait_for_finished(widget, timeout), f"Did not finish in the specified {timeout}ms timeout" )
[docs] def commit_and_wait(self, widget=None, wait=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Unconditional commit and wait until finished. Parameters ---------- widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget to send signal to. If not set, self.widget is used wait : int The amount of time to wait for the widget to complete. """ if widget is None: widget = self.widget if hasattr(widget.commit, "now"): else: # Support for deprecated, non-decorated commit widget.unconditional_commit() self.wait_until_finished(widget=widget, timeout=wait)
[docs] def get_output(self, output=None, widget=None, wait=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Return the last output that has been sent from the widget. Parameters ---------- output_name : str widget : Optional[OWBaseWidget] widget whose output is returned. If not set, self.widget is used wait : int The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for widget to complete. Returns ------- The last sent value of given output or None if nothing has been sent. """ if widget is None: # `output` may be an unbound signal with `widget` set to `None` # In this case, we use `self.widget`. widget = getattr(output, "widget", self.widget) or self.widget outputs = widget.outputs or widget.Outputs.__dict__.values() if output is None: assert len(outputs) == 1 output = next(iter(outputs)).name elif not isinstance(output, str): output = # widget.outputs are old-style signals; if empty, use new style assert output in ( for out in outputs), \ "widget {} has no output {}".format(, output) value = widget.signalManager.get_output(widget, output, wait) if LazyValue.is_lazy(value): value = value.get_value() return value
[docs] @contextmanager def modifiers(self, modifiers): """ Context that simulates pressed modifiers Since QTest.keypress requries pressing some key, we simulate pressing "BassBoost" that looks exotic enough to not meddle with anything. """ old_modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() try: QTest.keyPress(self.widget, Qt.Key_BassBoost, modifiers) yield finally: QTest.keyRelease(self.widget, Qt.Key_BassBoost, old_modifiers)
def check_minimum_size(self, widget): def invalidate_cached_size_hint(w): # as in OWBaseWidget.setVisible if w.controlArea is not None: w.controlArea.updateGeometry() if w.buttonsArea is not None: w.buttonsArea.updateGeometry() if w.mainArea is not None: w.mainArea.updateGeometry() invalidate_cached_size_hint(widget) min_size = widget.minimumSizeHint() self.assertLess(min_size.width(), 800) self.assertLess(min_size.height(), 700)
[docs] def check_msg_base_class(self, widget): """ Test whether widget error, warning and info messages are derived from its (direct) parent message classes. """ def inspect(msg): msg_cls = getattr(widget, msg).__class__ msg_base_cls = getattr(widget.__class__.__bases__[0], msg) self.assertTrue(issubclass(msg_cls, msg_base_cls)) inspect("Error") inspect("Warning") inspect("Information")
def check_export_image(self, widget): widget.copy_to_clipboard()
class TestWidgetTest(WidgetTest): """Meta tests for widget test helpers""" def test_process_events_handles_timeouts(self): with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError): self.process_events(until=lambda: False, timeout=0) def test_minimum_size(self): return # skip this test def test_check_msg_base_class(self): class A(OWBaseWidget, openclass=True): pass class B(A): class Error(A.Error): pass class C(A, openclass=True): class Error(OWBaseWidget.Error): pass class D(C): class Error(A.Error): pass self.check_msg_base_class(B()) self.check_msg_base_class(C()) # It is unfortunate that this passes... self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.check_msg_base_class, D()) def test_get_single_output(self): class A(OWBaseWidget): name = "A" class Inputs(OWBaseWidget.Inputs): question = Input("Question", str, auto_summary=False) class Outputs(OWBaseWidget.Outputs): answer = Output("Answer", int, auto_summary=False) @Inputs.question def question(self, s): self.Outputs.answer.send(eval(s)) self.widget = self.create_widget(A) self.assertIsNone(self.get_output()) self.send_signal("6 * 7") self.assertEquals(self.get_output(), 42) def test_compute_lazy_signals(self): class A(OWBaseWidget): name = "A" class Outputs(OWBaseWidget.Outputs): answer = Output("Answer", int, auto_summary=False) def __init__(self): self.Outputs.answer.send(LazyValue[int](lambda: 42)) self.widget = self.create_widget(A) self.assertEquals(self.get_output(), 42) class BaseParameterMapping: """Base class for mapping between gui components and learner's parameters when testing learner widgets. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of learner's parameter. gui_element : QWidget Gui component who's corresponding parameter is to be tested. values: list List of values to be tested. getter: function It gets component's value. setter: function It sets component's value. """ def __init__(self, name, gui_element, values, getter, setter, problem_type="both"): = name self.gui_element = gui_element self.values = values self.get_value = getter self.set_value = setter self.problem_type = problem_type def __str__(self): if self.problem_type == "both": return else: return "%s (%s)" % (, self.problem_type) class DefaultParameterMapping(BaseParameterMapping): """Class for mapping between gui components and learner's parameters when testing unchecked properties and therefore default parameters should be used. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of learner's parameter. default_value: str, int, Value that should be used by default. """ def __init__(self, name, default_value): super().__init__(name, None, [default_value], lambda: default_value, lambda x: None) class ParameterMapping(BaseParameterMapping): """Class for mapping between gui components and learner parameters when testing learner widgets Parameters ---------- name : str Name of learner's parameter. gui_element : QWidget Gui component who's corresponding parameter is to be tested. values: list, mandatory for ComboBox, optional otherwise List of values to be tested. When None, it is set according to component's type. getter: function, optional It gets component's value. When None, it is set according to component's type. setter: function, optional It sets component's value. When None, it is set according to component's type. """ def __init__(self, name, gui_element, values=None, getter=None, setter=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( name, gui_element, values or self._default_values(gui_element), getter or self._default_get_value(gui_element, values), setter or self._default_set_value(gui_element, values), **kwargs) @staticmethod def get_gui_element(widget, attribute): return widget.controlled_attributes[attribute][0].control @classmethod def from_attribute(cls, widget, attribute, parameter=None): return cls(parameter or attribute, cls.get_gui_element(widget, attribute)) @staticmethod def _default_values(gui_element): if isinstance(gui_element, (QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QSlider)): return [gui_element.minimum(), gui_element.maximum()] else: raise TypeError("{} is not supported".format(gui_element)) @staticmethod def _default_get_value(gui_element, values): if isinstance(gui_element, (QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QSlider)): return lambda: gui_element.value() elif isinstance(gui_element, QComboBox): return lambda: values[gui_element.currentIndex()] else: raise TypeError("{} is not supported".format(gui_element)) @staticmethod def _default_set_value(gui_element, values): if isinstance(gui_element, (QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QSlider)): return lambda val: gui_element.setValue(val) elif isinstance(gui_element, QComboBox): def fun(val): value = values.index(val) gui_element.activated.emit(value) gui_element.setCurrentIndex(value) return fun else: raise TypeError("{} is not supported".format(gui_element)) @contextmanager def open_widget_classes(): with patch.object(OWBaseWidget, "__init_subclass__"): yield @contextmanager def override_default_settings(widget, defaults=None, context_defaults=[], handler=None): if defaults is None: defaults = {} h = (handler or SettingsHandler)() h.widget_class = widget h.defaults = defaults filename = h._get_settings_filename() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(defaults, f) pickle.dump(context_defaults, f) yield if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()