.. currentmodule:: orangewidget.tests.base Debugging and testing ===================== Running widgets as scripts -------------------------- To run a widget without canvas - for debugging and for nitpicking about the GUI - the widget module must be executable as a script. This is handled by :obj:`~orangewidget.utils.widgetpreview.WidgetPreview`. It is typically used as follows :: if __name__ == "__main__": WidgetPreview(OWMyWidgetName).run() where :obj:`OWMyWidgetName` is the widget's class. We can also pass the data to the widget. For instance, :: if __name__ == "__main__": WidgetPreview(OWMyWidgetName).run(Orange.data.Table("iris")) passes the Iris data set to the widget. Passing data in this way requires that there is a single or default signal for the argument's data type. Multiple signals can be passed as keyword arguments in which the names correspond to signal handlers:: if __name__ == "__main__": data = Orange.data.Table("iris") WidgetPreview(OWScatterPlot).run( set_data=data, set_subset_data=data[:30] ) If the signal handler accepts multiple inputs, they can be passed as a list, like in the following method in the Table widget. :: if __name__ == "__main__": WidgetPreview(OWDataTable).run( [(Table("iris"), "iris"), (Table("brown-selected"), "brown-selected"), (Table("housing"), "housing") ] ) Preview ends by tearing down the widget and calling :obj:`sys.exit` with the widget's exit code. This can be prevented by adding a `no_exit=True` argument. We can also prevent showing the widget and starting the event loop by using `no_exec=True`. This, together with some previewers method described below, can be used for debugging the widget. For example, `OWRank`'s preview, :: if __name__ == "__main__": from Orange.classification import RandomForestLearner WidgetPreview(OWRank).run( set_learner=(RandomForestLearner(), (3, 'Learner', None)), set_data=Table("heart_disease.tab")) can be temporarily modified to :: if __name__ == "__main__": from Orange.classification import RandomForestLearner previewer = WidgetPreview(OWRank) previewer.run(Table("heart_disease.tab"), no_exit=True) previewer.send_signals( set_learner=(RandomForestLearner(), (3, 'Learner', None))) previewer.run() which shows the widget twice, allows us a finer control of signal passing, and offers adding some breakpoints. .. autoclass:: orangewidget.utils.widgetpreview.WidgetPreview :members: :member-order: bysource Unit-testing Widgets -------------------- Orange provides a base class :class:`WidgetTest` with helper methods for unit testing. .. autoclass:: WidgetTest :members: :member-order: bysource